Tuesday, December 18, 2012

He Got An Eye Full

A cattle buyer found out that Shane had a load of cull cows and steers getting ready to take to the stock yard. He offered to come out and take a look at what we had and would buy them straight from the farm if it was what he was looking for. 

They worked out all of the details, and he loaded his trailer full!  I ran inside to grab my camera so I could share with all of you dear readers.  As he came out of the gate he pulled right up in front of our house and stopped.  Since the trailer came to a stop, I decided I would try to get  a photo of the load.  No sooner than I started taking photos I heard "Awe MAN!!!"

Shane and Mr. Cochran had been standing near the back of the trailer talking.  A cow slipped in poo and managed to sling some of it at them.  I really think she did it on purpose for making her have to leave the pasture.  She was probably claustrophobic or something like that and decided to show her discontent with her situation.....Not really.  I thought it was pretty funny myself to see these fellas covered.  Shane actually got a huge splat in his right eye.  At least his mouth had been closed ;)  That woulda been awful!  The funniest thing is that Shane and I both had worked all of the cattle that morning in the catch pen and managed to stay clean.  I mean neither of us had one drop of manure on us.  That very rare around here, but she more than made up for it!

You see, after the incident she turned to look at me and seemed to say, "Lady, payback is pretty messy!"  What do you think?  Does she look guilty to you?

I'm sure glad I was standing way back shooting the photos.  I really am not a fan of getting an eye full!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mississippi Farm Bureau Annual Meeting 2012

We attended this years Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation's annual meeting in Jackson a couple of weekends ago. We had a great time this year. We had someone from our county, Austin Smith,  participating in the Young Farmer and Rancher Discussion meet, so we were thrilled to be able to cheer him on.  He made it through the first round and the photo below is of the last round.  There were four to participate in this round.

All of the participants did a great job.  

Austin is seated to the left

At one of the meetings, we were treated to some music performed by The Mustard Seed.  What a blessing it was.  They played hand bells and treated us to many Christmas tunes.  They did an awesome job!

The Mustard Seed

One of the highlights for our kids, was the room that was set up for the YF&R silent auction.  Tables filled the room with items donated from various folks to benefit the YF&R scholarship program.  They always have a wide variety of great items.

We made many trips around these tables.  The kids were wanting to bid on just about everything there.  Our sweet girl wanted this bird house.

And of course when I saw this, I couldn't help but think of Mr. Mike ;)

"Go State"

This area, in the photo below, was the hit of the convention.  Ice cream was available at all times compliments of Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation and Dairy Farmers of America, Inc.  The girl in red below, ate more in a couple of days, than most adults could consume in a week.  I would turn around to find her back in the cooler again getting another ice cream.  I think that was the highlight for her.

Dillon actually chose to bid on some walkie talkies that he really wanted to take home.  He was persistent about getting them, but he had a budget and didn't go over it.  Before the auction ended, most folks knew that he was serious about "winning" those as he called it and I don't think they wanted to disappoint him by bidding against him. He is now the proud new owner of some Midland walkie talkies

I look forward to being involved with Farm Bureau this year.  I see potential for some great things to happen.  Hope you all have a great week!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Identifying Our Goats

***Warning***Please excuse any typographical and grammatical errors that may have been made in the writing of this blog post.  I do sincerely apologize.  It's been a long day, so my eyes have started to cross after looking at this screen for so long :) 

Hi. My name is Ashley. I am a procrastinator at times. Please forgive me. :) I have to say that I was piled on the couch for a loooong week at Thanksgiving. I don't know what type of germs invaded my body, but I can say that they kicked my butt! Then the week following, I  procrastinated again; not getting a post published on this  blog. This past weekend we went to Jackson, MS for the Mississippi Farm Bureau annual meeting. So finally, after procrastinating some more, I have finally made myself sit down in front of the computer. 

 Last Friday I happened to go out in the pasture, with my camera around my neck, to worm our Anatolians. While I was out there I decided to take some photos. Then it hit me, I don't think I've introduced you to some of them. They each have a name or number, or a name and a number. Or just a name. 

Take this goat for example.  Shane call's her Humpback.  Not such an attractive name, but when he mentions "humpback" I know exactly which goat he is referring to.  We purchased her at the 2nd Cream of the Crop Sale in Indiana.  I really wanted to have her join our herd.  Shane, not so much.  Her rump had a slight slope to it.  He didn't want her because of the slope.  I wanted her because she had a nice frame and was stout. I could overlook the slope, so we got her.  Shane referred  to the slope as a hump.  It's really not a hump, but that translated into the name Humpback, for Shane.  I call her Oreo Blast daughter.  That name has stuck too.  Shane knows which one I'm talking about when I mention that one.  I couldn't tell you her tag number though, only if I sneak up close enough to read her tag.  

Humpback / Oreo Blast daughter

This yearling doe's name is fitting for sure.  We call her Freak or Superfreak.  She is Humpback/Oreo Blast daughter's daughter. :)  That was  a mouthful.  Her name came from the fact that, out of the whole kid crop she was born in, she had the heaviest weaning weight.  She even outscored the bucklings.  So we call her freak, because she was/is outside of the norm for a doe. 


And below we have a few like: Raiz N Kane's daugher, Sweetie Pie, Wild Thing, T-26, and 46-2.  The last two have managed to keep their tag number as their name.  

This is V7.  We call her by her tag number too.  It is becoming a problem though when it comes to her daughters.

I refer to this one below as V7's daughter. You are probably thinking there is nothing wrong with that, but there really is. 
V7's daughter

You see, this one below, is also V7's daughter from another year.  So if I look out there and refer to either goat as V7's daughter, I have to try to get closer to see their tag number to pinpoint specifically which one.  Of course that's only if I have to make a note of something with them.  They look so much alike.  They totally favor their dam.  Her genetics pass through to her kids remarkably.

V7's daughter
If you have goats, how do you identify them?  Do you give them names, or only refer to them as their tag number?  I'd sure like to know.  Are we the only ones to give their animals off the wall names?