Friday, February 8, 2013

Unanswered Prayers

My grandmother sent me a program book that she had at her home from back when I was in our county's Junior Miss program. I flipped through it and got a pretty good giggle at seeing my "profile" in the beginning of the book. You see when I was growing up, I understood that to be successful you had to go to college and get a degree in the medical field. Like, become a doctor or something along those lines. If I achieved anything less, I feared that I would be truly unsuccessful in life.  I had visions of becoming a career woman and not really interested in ever getting married and having a family.  So, so, so funny...........

Little did I know at this time!

Thank God for unanswered prayers!!!  He had a plan for me, and it has turned out to be way more amazing than I could have ever imagined!  I am not a doctor of any kind.....I did graduate from college and become a nurse.  But you see, there was this fella by the name of Shane, that walked into my life when I was least expecting it.  That whole never getting married and having a family thing, went right out the window!  We have now been together for a total of 13 years and happily married for 11 of them!  We are the proud parents of 2 amazing children that bless me daily with their presence.  I've chosen to stay at home on the farm for the past 7 years and it has been the most fulfilling thing I could have ever done.  In essence, I am far more successful than I could have even imagined back in high school!  I mean after all, I get to look out my window every morning and see that I'm surrounded by cows, goats, and horses!  Who wouldn't want that life?!   :)

Have a great weekend everybody!!

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