We are starting to get some calves on the ground. I love to see all of the little ones arriving.
They are so playful. While I was trying to get some pictures, the next two below were running all over and playing. It was kinda hard to get a halfway decent photo for you.
Speaking of halfway decent photos, I am looking forward to getting my new camera. My camera has been taking some terrible photographs for a while now, and I have been looking around for a new one. I ordered one today and am super excited for it to arrive to try out.
This little guy had to be pulled a couple of days ago. He is out of a "first timer". He was positioned correctly, but she just couldn't push him out. She is out of a group of young heifers that were already bred this past summer when Shane purchased them. We've been watching them all closely. Especially since this calf came along. Hopefully all of the others will not have any problems.
3 day old calf |
We also have some young heifers that we kept as replacements. They were all bred last summer to a Brangus bull. We have moved all of the young first timers to the pasture that is closer to our home. That way we can keep an eye on them. It is also easier to move them into a working pen from this pasture, just in case we need to get one caught up that is having trouble. Like I said earlier, we are hoping we do not have to provide any more assistance.....
Replacement heifer |
This particular pasture they have been moved to also has a good bit of clover coming out. We have gotten a good bit of rain the past week and it has really jumped up. We have our main kiko doe herd in this pasture along with the heifers. They all seem to be getting along well. The way it's looking there will be plenty of clover for all.
ball clover |