It has been so HOT the past few days! Whew! I'm talking HOT and dry. I went out yesterday to try to get some photos for someone interested in purchasing a kiko buck from us, and these fellas were like, "Lady, I aint gettin' up and out there in that sunshine to pose for you. I just got my belly full and plan on staying in this here shade." I couldn't blame them. I actually wanted to sprawl out there with them too because by the time I walked out there to where they were, I was hassling like a dog on a hot summer day.
Gold Digger [ our unicorn : ) ] and Elvis chillin in the shade |
Sunday afternoon, our kids went to stay with their grandma for a couple of days. Shane and I didn't know what to do with ourselves! He decided it was time to fire up the old
Shovelhead and go for a spin. It's been a while since the poor thing had been fired up, so she needed a little assistance to get going. It was so nice for us to get out and enjoy the scenery. It took me back down memory lane. I figured that day that it had been 7 years since I had sat on the back of that thing. It was funny, because I had to get used to being a good passenger without all of that moving around and leaning correctly in the curves. For those that have ridden, you know what I mean. I told Shane we should do it again soon. It made me feel young again ;)

The flooring has started going down that will be in the kitchen/dining/living/utility rooms. It is a vinyl plank flooring that looks like wood. It's supposed to be pretty durable. We shall see. Hopefully it will all come together soon. It was quite hot yesterday working in the house. We have the power on, but the AC isn't working correctly, so only the breeze of a few fans were on us. It was in the 90's yesterday, and I could certainly feel it ALL day!
Hopefully, I can convince the goats to pose for me today to get those photos before it gets too hot and they are not in the mood. Photographing livestock is a challenge, I must say....Especially when the photographer is out there battling horseflies like crazy and hassling because she's out of shape and can't stand the heat! Wish me luck!